Regional Meeting Registration Form

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2022 MCASC-NCMA-VMA Regional Meeting

August 23-26 in Florence, South Carolina

Select Membership Type: *AssociateOperatorGuest
Are you a member of MCASC? *YesNo
Are you a member of NCMA? *YesNo
Are you a member of VMA? *YesNo
Company Name: *
Address: *
City: *
State: (SC, VA) *
Zip: *
Phone: (555-555-5555) *
Email: *

Operator Market Place Information

Note: Please refer to the association website for a complete list of associate members to choose from for appointment preferences.

Operators Only: Will you be seated at a table in Market Place?YesNo
Which of the following are you interested in?Traditional Market Place TableShared Round Table
OPTIONAL: List your 1st preference for a scheduled appointment with an associate.
OPTIONAL: List your 2nd preference for a scheduled appointment with an associate.
OPTIONAL: List your 3rd preference for a scheduled appointment with an associate.

Associate Market Place Information

Note: Please refer to the association website for a complete list of operator members to choose from for appointment preferences.

Associates Only: Are you interested in purchasing a Display Booth? ($250)YesNo
OPTIONAL: List your 1st preference for a scheduled appointment with an operator.
OPTIONAL: List your 2nd preference for a scheduled appointment with an operator.
OPTIONAL: List your 3rd preference for a scheduled appointment with an operator.
If you would like to partner with another associate for your scheduled appointments, list their name and company.

Attendee Information

First Name: (As it should appear on badge) *
Last Name: (As it should appear on badge) *
Dietary Needs: *NoneVeganGluten FreeOther
If "other" please specify:
Please select a tour or golf option: *Tour 1: Satisfy Your ThirstTour 2: Oh, Nuts!Tour 3: Kayaking Revolutionary Rivers (2 hour paddle)Tour 4: On OverdriveTour 5: You Can Eat That?Golf ($70)I do not wish to participate.
Are you a first time attendee? *YesNo

Event Sign-Up

If you sign up, you are expected to participate. It is only courteous to those who plan for you.

Tuesday MCASC Board of Directors Meeting (1:15 - 2:45) *YesNo
Tuesday NCMA Board of Directors Meeting (3:00 - 4:30) *YesNo
Tuesday VMA Board of Directors Meeting (3:00 - 4:30) *YesNo
Tuesday Early Bird Dinner: Farmer’s Market/Farm to Table (7:00) *YesNo
Tuesday Hospitality (9:00 - 10:30) *YesNo
Wednesday Breakfast (7:00 - 7:45) *YesNo
Wednesday Coach Presentations (8:00 - 9:15) *YesNo
Wednesday Operator Session: Panel Discussion (11:30 - 12:30) *YesNo
Wednesday Lunch (12:45 - 1:45) *YesNo
Wednesday Operator Sessions (2:00 - 4:15) *YesNo
Wednesday Associate Sessions (2:00 - 5:30) *YesNo
Wednesday Ice Breaker Dinner: Downtown Progressive Dinner (7:00) *YesNo
Wednesday Hospitality (10:00 - 12:00) *YesNo
Thursday Breakfast (7:30 - 8:30) *YesNo
Thursday Awards Dinner (7:30) *YesNo
Friday Breakfast (7:30 - 8:30) *YesNo
Friday Lunch: Market Place Awards Presentation (12:30 - 1:30) *YesNo

Word Verification:

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