2023 Operator Meeting
MCASC 2023 Operator Meeting Schedule
2023 MCASC Operator Meeting Registration Form
The Special Projects Committee has planned an Operators Meeting February 20-21 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Florence located at 2671 Hospitality Blvd, Florence, SC 29501. A block of rooms has been reserved and you can make your reservation by calling the hotel, 843-432-3001.When making your reservations, identify yourself as a Motorcoach Association of SC attendee to receive the room rate of $115+tax. Please book your room(s) before the cut-off date of February 3.
Please review the schedule of events, which has been carefully planned by the Special Projects Committee to offer tangible benefit to members. While this meeting is focused on information for motorcoach operations, MCASC’s coach sales, service, and product members are also invited to attend. See attached schedule for the scheduled education sessions. In addition, there will be time for operators to discuss current topics affecting their business. Opportunity for networking with MCASC members representing coach sales, service and products is also a benefit of the meeting. A certificate of attendance will be issued to all operators who attend.
Registration fee is $95. Complete the registration form and return it to MCASC, either by fax (866-376-1156) or by scanning and emailing to julia@motorcoachassociation.com. Please pre-register so that plans can be made for your meals and meeting materials. When selecting events, please be mindful of what you will be able to attend and follow through with attendance as a courtesy to those planning for you. If there is need to cancel your registration, please do so by February 3.
All members are invited to attend the board of directors meeting February 20, 1:00 – 3:00.
If you have questions, please feel free to call the association office at 888-376-1150.