2022 Associate Sponsorship Form

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Name: *
Company: *
Phone: *
Email: *


Cooperate with several of your area members to co-sponsor a meal, break or other meeting need. You do not have to sponsor the entire cost, depending on your budget and desire for recognition.

The following items have already been sponsored: pocket schedules, notepads, market place binders, and badges.

Printed Material:






Included in the registration bags for operators and associates. Anticipate 250.

Registration Gift Description:


Gifts will be given to operators in market place. Anticipate 75.

Operator Gift Description:


First 15 Operator and 15 Associate door prizes registered will be accepted.

Door Prize Description:

Operator Gifts must be shipped to the Florence Center for arrival on August 19.

c/o Florence CVB
3920 W Radio Drive
Florence, SC 29501

Word Verification:

WDF_FILE_TYPE_ERROR = 'Sorry, you are not allowed to upload this type of file.'; WDF_INVALID_EMAIL = 'This is not a valid email address.'; REQUEST_URI = "/2022-associate-sponsorship-form/?print=print"; ReqFieldMsg ='`FIELDNAME`field is required.'; function formOnload11() { if(document.getElementById('10_randomize11')) if(document.getElementById('10_randomize11').value=="yes") { choises_randomize('10', '11'); }if(document.getElementById('12_randomize11')) if(document.getElementById('12_randomize11').value=="yes") { choises_randomize('12', '11'); }if(document.getElementById('14_randomize11')) if(document.getElementById('14_randomize11').value=="yes") { choises_randomize('14', '11'); }if(document.getElementById('16_randomize11')) if(document.getElementById('16_randomize11').value=="yes") { choises_randomize('16', '11'); }if(document.getElementById('18_randomize11')) if(document.getElementById('18_randomize11').value=="yes") { choises_randomize('18', '11'); }if(document.getElementById('_wd_captcha11')) captcha_refresh('_wd_captcha', '11');if(window.before_load) { before_load(); } } function formAddToOnload11() { if(formOldFunctionOnLoad11){ formOldFunctionOnLoad11(); } formOnload11(); } function formLoadBody11() { formOldFunctionOnLoad11 = window.onload; window.onload = formAddToOnload11; } var formOldFunctionOnLoad11 = null; formLoadBody11(); form_view_count11=0; for(i=1; i1) { for(i=1; i<=form_view_max11; i++) { if(document.getElementById('11form_view'+i)) { first_form_view11=i; break; } } generate_page_nav(first_form_view11, '11', form_view_count11, form_view_max11); } var RecaptchaOptions = { theme: "" };